

On my journey to living more simply, I decided to start tackling my Pinterest board collections. 

Pinterest had become an addiction for me.  It started out as a great way to organize my ideas (I LOVE organizing!), but quickly became overwhelming when I created way too many boards.  

Originally I created boards for the core curriculum (i.e. Music, Art, English, etc). I soon realized that this was difficult to navigate because I usually teach our kids with a thematic approach.  So then, I began to organize those pins into themed boards (i.e. Pumpkins, Pilgrims, Australia, etc).  

But I couldn’t stop there!  I then would pour over those boards before I would start a new unit (usually with a new month).  I would see that I didn’t want to use all the pinned ideas.  Maybe because the kids weren’t ready for it, or there were just too many ideas.  So, I thought it would be good to pull the pins I wanted onto a separate board named for the month we were studying that theme.  

As you can see, this has gotten way out of hand!  

So today, I am cleaning up my boards and I’m starting with Art projects.  I decided to make myself a nice Word document with all the ideas I want to keep.  I’ll keep this file on my computer and also in a binder in the school room.

I gave myself strict criteria when saving the ideas to make sure I don’t end up with a 30-page document! 

  1. The activity must use easy to find supplies ( supplies most likely on hand, or recyclables are even better.)
  2. The activity will not use edible items (though I have kept a rice sensory recipe).  The expense of food these days just doesn’t make it feasible to use food for art.
  3. The activity should be easy to accomplish (I love process art ideas!)

I have added some photos to describe the activity and mentioned the original author if it wasn’t my idea. 

Happy exploring! 

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