
The Silent Elephant

Fear is an emotion that has been deeply ingrained in human evolution. It serves as a primal response to potential threats and dangers, triggering our fight-or-flight instinct. While fear is a natural and essential human emotion, it can be a paralyzing force that inhibits us in numerous aspects of life.


Georgia Jails President Trump: Mugshot, Popularity, and Political Narratives

President Donald Trump found himself making headlines once again as he is booked at a Georgia jail. The most intriguing aspect of this was the release of his mugshot, a move that might seem redundant considering his global recognition. However, the importance of capturing even a figure as recognizable as Trump in such a manner holds deeper implications. It is a power play for his political opponents.


Dirty Book List

I recently came across a Substack by Cristin Bentley, who respresents SD-1 on the State Republican Executive Committee.  She describes the #FilthyBook campaign that was launched on February 17, 2023.  https://thedaughter.substack.com/p/stop-sexu ...

My Take on SEL

A Former Public School Teacher's Insight on SEL By: Gracie Ware SEL or Social Emotional Learning seems to be a hot topic these days.  Some parents are concerned that SEL is a gateway to bring Communist or Sexual Identity discussions into the classroo ...